Get An Education
As a child I was told "Get a good education, it's the only thing that can never be taken away from you"
Of course, I realized it to be the truth, and I've always strived to keep learning all my life...
But the lesson was really hammered home for me after hurricane Katrina's destruction. The people with an education had the resources to flee to safer ground and start over from nothing, if need be. Even if they had to walk away with only the clothes on their backs, they could carry away with them their education.
But it's the uneducated and poor people who didn't have the resources to get away... and became victims, either thru death, or thru total losses... and without the education and job skills to help them start over somewhere else...
Loss is a fact of life, the hardest lesson we have to learn, the only thing that stays constant is change...
No matter WHO comes into our life, no matter WHAT comes into our life, the day will come when we WILL lose that person or thing... and we have to love them enough to let them go...
But the one thing we'll never lose is our education, (unless dementia sets in).
and wisdom shows itself in many colours.
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