Serendipity, You make me laugh...

a classic example...
For several days (like 2 weeks!) I turned upside down the house and truck looking for an overdue library book.
The book still hasn't turned up and the library graciously renewed it as often as they could so I could continue to search for it. But since the book was borrowed from another library branch, eventually , it HAD to be returned.
I've been checking out, reading, and returning library books all my life and have never lost a book before.
The only one I've ever had to pay for was left outside on the patio table briefly when a sudden very light rain came up and it got just wet enough as to be unacceptable to go back on the library bookshelves.
Sooo, the time finally came, bring forth said book or pay for it.
Well, I paid ($7.00 plus cost of money order, thank goodness it was an old book, a newer book would have cost 3 times that much, but still money I really couldn't afford to part with at the moment).
They had several books I'd requested earlier, so I counted them and decided, ok now, I've GOT to be more careful, paying for lost books is not possible in my limited budget.
I get home with books in my bookbag, and that evening, I reach in randomly pulling out the first book.
'Getting Control etc...' by Sandra Felton
After the Table of Contents, on page 13 is the Introduction, 'How to Read This Book'.
Normally, I skip introductions, but this one caught my eye.
I'm reading along and in paragraph 4, honest to God, this is word for word what it says =
"Try not to lose this book while you are reading it because, if you do, you'll lose your enthusiasm for the insights you get. Here is your first fill-in for where you will faithfully store the book:
I will keep this book ________ while I am reading it."
It felt like serendipity had gently slapped me in the face and I laughed one of the best belly laughs of my lifetime...
Thanks for the link to Colourlovers - it really looks like a GREAT site!
And - congrats on your baby goats too! We have one at the office (strange office, yes, but in the country) who thinks she is a dog, and runs/sleeps with our boss' Great Danes.
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