
Better late than never

good golly time sure flies!!!
ok, so i've been super bad or super bad busy or super stuck in bad-ass-computer-land for a couple years here. My 'puter is on it's last legs and begging me to just shoot it and get it over with.
If any of you all love me even a smidgen, please pray that Santa will bring me a brand new, shiny, rockin, laptop this year. Otherwise i may just have to drop out of internet-land forever .... auuuuuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!


At 3:38 PM EST, Blogger 'PeachBelle' said...

The computer Gods heard my plea and blessed me with a rocking laptop a couple years ago. Actually it was a VERY unexpected gift from my long lost Mom and my baby Sister. Thank you ladies from the bottom of my heart. ♥
Now to get caught up with my blogging! :-/


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