Honk for Jesus

The sweetest thing happened today...
Driving home from doing a tiny bit of Christmas shopping, I was about 3 miles from town, in the middle of nowhere. No houses or businesses, just beautiful countryside.
As I approached the crossroads to make my left turn, there on the right was a car parked next to the road. Sitting on the hood were two young teenage girls holding up a homemade cardboard sign in front of their faces. As my truck slowed for my turn, I strained to read the sign, certain that it would read something like 'car for sale' or something similar.
I was quite surprised when instead of the expected message it read "HONK FOR JESUS"!
Naturally, I had to honk and when I did, those two girls let out in unisom, an earsplitting scream such as when rabid football fans cheer when their team makes a hard won touchdown.
They were so cute I smiled all the way home.
I wanted so badly to go back and take their picture, but time constraint pushed me forward.
Those little ladies will never know what a wonderful, unexpected, sweet, warm feeling and memory they gave me to cherish.
New Years Day driving into town, I saw right in front of the spot where they had been sitting, on the road in huge orange paint or chalk the words
Thank you ladies for the smile & the memory...
and for being such staunch supporters for Jesus... Bless your hearts : )
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