Blah Blah Blah BLOG

What in the world possesses people to go online and spill their guts to everybody in the entire earthly realm?
Do you ever wonder about that too?
I resisted doing one myself for a very long time, as I'm very private and shy and who would want to read MY rantings anyway?
Ever since the beginning of time people have written and kept private diarys and journals, keeping them well hidden from prying eyes, only to be seen after their death.
Secret thoughts shared only with our hairdresser, barber, or a complete stranger sitting next to us.
NOW, we get on here and publish them for the whole world to see!
I don't get it.
Are all of you who blog doing it secretly from the prying eyes of the people you live with, the same way you used to hide your diarys from them? I wonder about these things.
But I can tell you one thing, I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR BLOGS!
It's fascinating being a 'fly-on-the-wall' of your minds!
I often look at people and wonder what ya'll are thinking.
Now all I have to do is find your blogs and I'll know.
And what amazes me the most is how many of you are thinking the EXACT SAME THINGS I'm thinking!
But you are just so much better at articulating my thoughts than I'll ever be able to.
I thank you all for that, as sometimes, my thoughts & feelings are so vague, so scattered, so hard to structure that I can't possibly express them.
My brain is like a giant pot of bubbling alphabet soup with not much rhyme or reason.
But you manage to pull words out of this soupy brain and line the words up perfectly, articulately, creatively and with delicious humor.
In doing so, I not only know your thoughts & feelings, but am better able to understand my own. DING! DING! DING! DING! WaHOO! : )
Thank you thank you thank you for sharing yourselves with me & 30 billion others like me.
Maybe someday, someway, something I share with ya'll will also give some of you that 'DING'!
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